Centre for Technology Acquisition and Transfer (CTAT)
Micro and small scale industries along with startups are categorized as an important constituent of the economy, contributing highly to employment generation, alleviation of poverty and upliftment of masses in the human society. In specific, it is the manufacturing sector that has driven growth. In the larger interests of the nation, it is proposed to encourage entrepreneurs in the manufacturing sector by strengthening their operational skills and sharpen their competitiveness as a whole keeping in mind the technology upscaling needs.
ARCI’s commitment towards ensuring proliferation of novel technologies in the Indian industries especially micro and small scale industries and startups is exemplified by ARCI’s Advanced Materials Technology Incubator (AMTI) facility adjacent to its R&D campus. ARCI’s AMTI is intended to facilitate incubation of new enterprises with innovative technologies and providing them physical, technical and networking supports and services. The facility will promote knowledge-based innovative ventures that seek the nurturing of new ideas from ARCI fraternity. Entrepreneurial ideas will be fostered and developed in a supportive environment for various technologies in the area of materials science.
Efforts are made to reach micro, small and medium entrepreneurs of different manufacturing sectors utilizing ARCI's technical know-how and expertise in various thrust areas using ARCI’s AMTI. In order to facilitate smooth functioning of the AMTI, a committee was constituted to be a one point contact in facilitating all AMTI related operations that include:
- To formulate the guidelines for the eligibility of technology based enterprises/ start-ups for incubation at AMTI.
- Providing a conducive/ proper infrastructure and required utilities for starting of operations by the technology based enterprises/ start-ups (electricity, water etc.)
- Ensuring that the technology based enterprises/ start-ups complies with all statutory requirements/ clearances before starting operations at AMTI. For example, obtaining clearance from PCB, all safety procedures etc.
- Regulating entry and exit of manpower at all levels including goods and vehicles movement to and from AMTI.
- Ensure that basic infrastructure and environment (including Flora and Fauna) in and around AMTI are intact and monitored/ maintained periodically.
- Possible contribution of knowledge base from ARCI/ other organizations for growth of technology based enterprises/ start-ups at AMTI, and support for forging identified partnerships
Agreement signing with Altmin Private Limited
During the year, ARCI signed an Agreement for providing services with Altmin Private Limited on April 5, 2023 to provide the required services to Altmin Private Limited including the required space / shed within ARCI’s Advanced Materials
Technology Incubator (AMTI) and extend technical services to Altmin Private Limited against payment of charges. Altmin Private Limited is the technology recipient of Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) Cathode Materials Technology developed by ARCI and has been licensed the technology both on exclusive basis for territories other than India and on non-exclusive basis within India. The shed occupied by Altmin Private Limited was inaugurated by Dr. V.K. Saraswat, Member, NITI Aayog and Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman, Governing Council, ARCI and Former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission of India,on August 18, 2023.