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ARCI signed MoU with Mahindra University
27 November
Biodegradable Implants
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07 November
It is an excellent opportunity to visit state-of-the art laboratories in nanotechnology, solar materials, specialized coatings, laser processing of materials and more, and to interact with Scientists! on 07th November 2024 (Thursday) TIME 10 am to 4 pm at ARCI, Hyderabad
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Assumption of Charge by Dr. R. Vijay as Director, ARCI on 06/05/2024
6th May
RAATEM 2024 - Recent Advancements and Applications of High Temperature Materials
15th-16th July 2024
Recent Advancements and Applications of High Temperature Materials: Processing, Manufacturing & Diagnostics (RAATEM 2024) is being organized at ARCI with the support from DST during 15th-16th July 2024.
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World Environmental Day
5th June
The Third Dr.G.Padmanabham Memorial Lecture
5th June
Prof. BS Murty, Director, IIT - Hyderabad, graced the event and delivered a lecture on "Role of Innovation & Collaborations towards Viksit Bharat"
All India Technical Seminar
22nd March
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Research Exposure-cum-Training Programme
Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao has assumed the charge of Director
25th November
Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao has assumed the charge of Director, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) on 25th November 2022 (Forenoon)
One Day Workshop on Materials and Technologies for Biomedical Implants being held virtually on February 24, 2022 by ARCI.
24th February 2022
- One Day Workshop on Materials and Technologies for Biomedical Implants being held virtually on February 24, 2022 by ARCI.
Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao has assumed the charge of Director
25th November
Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao has assumed the charge of Director, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) on 25th November 2022 (Forenoon)
One Day Workshop on Materials and Technologies for Biomedical Implants being held virtually on February 24, 2022 by ARCI.
24th February 2022
- One Day Workshop on Materials and Technologies for Biomedical Implants being held virtually on February 24, 2022 by ARCI.
International Women's Day Celebrations
March 8, 2021
ARCI celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March 2021 on virtual platform. Dr. Preeti Banzal, IES, Indian Telecommunications Service Officer, Advisor & Scientist G, Office of Principal Scientific Advisor, Govt. of India, New Delhi delivered a motivational speech on “Women in Disaster Management”.
Awareness Program on Women Safety by SHE Team, Hyderabad Police
Feb 6, 2020
Awareness Program by SHE Team on Women Safety was organized on 6th Feb. 2020 The program was conducted by Smt. Saleema Shaik, Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police, SHE Team Rachakonda Commissionerate and her team, in which she spoke about the Do and Don’ts to be followed by women at public and work places to be safe. The role of internal complaints committee and the implementation of The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 was explained by her.
Official Language - Hindi - Implementation at ARCI
January 26, 2020
The Official Language Implementation Committee (OLIC) under the Chairmanship of Dr. G. Padmanabham, Director, ARCI has been successful in the implementation and progressive use of Hindi at ARCI. Quarterly OLIC meetings were conducted to review the progressive use of Hindi at ARCI. ARCI has also been imparting regular training in Hindi to its employees under the Hindi Teaching Scheme. To encourage the employees to carry out their day-to-day official works in Hindi, a cash incentive scheme is in place.
Release of 2nd Issue of Annual Hindi Magazine: In continuation to ARCI's activities in the successful promotion of Implementation of Official Language, an effort was made to publish an Annual Hindi in-house magazine "SRUJAN". The magazine contains scientific and technical research articles, achievements of ARCI and general articles contributed by staff and research students. Accordingly, the 2nd edition was released on January 26, 2020 during Republic Day Celebration’s by Dr. G Padmanabham, Director, ARCI.

Dr. Roy Johnson, Associate Director addressing the gathering on the occasion of Hindi Week Celebrations

Dr. Rajnarayan Awasthi, ECIL, Hyderabad and Shri Kamakhya Narayan Singh, Assistant Director (O.L.), DST, delivering talks during Hindi Workshops

Rajbhasha Vibhag Officials of DST carrying out Inspection
Annual Day
December 27, 2020
The 25th Annual Day was celebrated at ARCI, Hyderabad on December 27, 2020. This year, the Welfare Committee was given the responsibility of organizing Annual Day Celebrations. Every effort was made to bring-in at one place, a variety of entertainment and amusement activities, so that all employees, their families of all age groups, and research students take part in the events wholeheartedly. Director, ARCI briefed about the major achievements of ARCI during the year and initiatives to be taken up in the coming years. Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao and Dr. Roy Johnson, Associate Directors also addressed the gathering and encouraged employees to get involved and be part of the successful journey of ARCI. Various cultural and entertainment events like, orchestra and fun activities were arranged.

Dr. G. Padmanabham, Director, ARCI along with Dr. TN Rao & Dr. Roy Johnson, Associate Directors and Dr. P. K. Jain, Chairman, Annual Day Organizing Committee on the dias

Chairman and Members of the Annual Day Organizing Committee with Dr. G. Padmanabham, Director, ARCI

Employees and Students with families on the occasion of Annual Day Celebrations at ARCI
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas/National Unity Day
October 31, 2020
To commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Shri Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who unified the Country, ARCI observed "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas"/"National Unity Day" on October 31, 2020. Director, ARCI administered "Rashtriya Ekta Diwas" pledge to all the employees, project staff and students. Pledge was also administered to the staff at ARCI, Chennai Centres and Gurugram Office.
Vigilance Awareness Week
October 27 to November 02, 2020
Vigilance Awareness Week was observed at ARCI from October 27 to November 02, 2020. The theme of Vigilance Awareness Week was “Integrity – A Way of Life". The messages from the honourable President and CVC were read by Dr. Roy Johnson, Associate Director and Dr. L. Ramakrishna, Scientist “F” & Vigilance Officer, ARCI. Director, ARCI administered "Integrity Pledge" to all the employees, project staff and students and they were also encouraged to take the e-pledge. ARCI Chennai and Gurugram Office staff members were also administered the pledge.

Dr. L. Ramakrishna reading the message from CVC
As part of the Vigilance Awareness Week, Shri K.V. Chowdary, IRS, Former Central Vigilance Commissioner, Govt. of India delivered a lecture on October 29, 2019 which was attended by all the employees and students. On this occasion, posters on vigilance awareness were displayed in the Administrative Building and slogans were also displayed on all the digital boards.

Shri K. V. Chowdary, IRS delivering a lecture
Outreach Programme
October 24, 2020
As part of Scientific Social Responsibility, for the first time an "Outreach Programme" was held at ARCI, Hyderabad on October 24, 2020 under the auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technology and Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA). The following events were conducted:
- Open Day for the general public as well as students and staff of Schools and Colleges.
- Quiz competition for 8-10 class students and Elocution competition for students of B.E/B.Tech, B. Sc. and M. Sc.
- An activity for assembly of dye-sensitized solar cells.
- Interaction session with Scientists.
Dr. G. Padmanabham, Director, ARCI, welcomed the participants in the Inaugural Session, and also delivered a public lecture. Chief Guest Dr. G. Madhusudhan Reddy, Director, DMRL, and Guest of Honour Dr. K. Ratna, Secretary, KV Rao Scientific Society, Hyderabad, addressed.

Students and Staff touring the Campus

Quiz competition in progress

A student trying out the battery-operated bicycle and interacting with Scientist
Swatch Bharat Abhiyan
September 11 to October 02, 2020
As part of 'Swatch Bharat Mission’, ARCI regularly observes cleanliness. All the staff members of ARCI-Hyderabad, Chennai and Gurugram Offices actively participated in the “Swatchhta Hi Seva” campaign held during September 11 to October 02, 2020. Mass cleaning of the ARCI premises at Hyderabad, Chennai and Gurugram Offices were organized. An Awareness Program in ARCI was conducted in which Mass pledge was administered on elimination of single use plastic from our daily lives. ARCI premises was designated as “Plastic Free Zone” and Jute bags were distributed to all the employees, research students and others. An Awareness Program was conducted at Zilla Parishad Government High School in Balapur village and few employees delivered talks on Plastic Waste Management and Effective Disposal of Single Use Plastic.

Dr. P. K. Jain, Scientist 'G' and Dr. M Buchi Suresh along with other Members of the Committee at the awareness program conducted at Zilla Parishad Government High School, Balapur
International Yoga Day
June 21, 2020
International Yoga Day "International Yoga Day (IYD)" was celebrated with great enthusiasm at ARCI on June 21, 2020. Ms. P. Prameela, Founder Prameela Yoga Studio delivered a talk on ‘Yoga for Healthy Life’ and demonstrated yogic postures that are beneficial for stress relief, curing diabetes, back aches etc.

Ms. P. Prameela demonstrating the Yoga postures
Technology Day Celebrations
May 9, 2020
Technology Day was celebrated at ARCI on May 9, 2020. Dr. Sanjay Bhardwaj, Scientist "F" & Team Leader, Centre for Technology Acquisition and Transfer welcomed the gathering and Dr. G. Padmanabham, Director briefed about the importance of Technology Day Celebrations in the Country. Technology day lecture was delivered by Prof. B. Ravi, Institute Chair Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology (Bombay), Mumbai on "Innovation Eco-System: From Idea to Impact". Staff members and research students participated in technology day celebrations.

Prof. B. Ravi, IIT-B, delivering a talk at ARCI
International Womens Day Celebrations
March 9, 2020
International Women’s Day was celebrated on 9th March 2020. A distinguished scientist and biotechnologist, Prof. Gita Sharma, Director-R&D at Tapadia Diagonstics, Hyderabad graced the occasion as chief guest. Prof. Gita delivered a motivational talk titled “Women Technoprenuers and Enabling Policies”. She narrated her story of becoming entrepreneur from the scientist and teacher, which was the step ahead of that time line of her career. She also emphasised on the qualities required by a scientist to build a career as a technoprenuer.
3rd - One Day Workshop on Accelerating Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology
October 8, 2020
3rd - One Day Workshop on Accelerating Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology October 08, 2020. Readmore...
Scientific Social Responsibility
25 February, 2020
Dr. B. V. Sarada, Scientist ’F’, ARCI has attended the ‘Meet the Scientists’ programme organised by Telangana Academy of Sciences, Nalgonda Regional Centre and Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Science Forum, Telangana, at ZPH School, Balemla Cillage near Suryapet on the occasion of National Science Day, on 25th February, 2020.

Science Flash Talk Creativity Unleashed programme organized on National Science Day celebrations at ARCI
28 February, 2020
As a part of National Science Day Celebrations, International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad organized a ‘Special Lecture’ on 27th February and ‘Science Flash Talk’ by students and research fellows on 28th February, 2020. Readmore..
National Safety Day Celebrated at ARCI on 5th March 2020
4-10 March 2020
As part of National Safety week celebrations at ARCI from 4-10 March 2020, National Safety day was celebrated on 5th March 2020 at International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI), Balapur, Hyderabad. During the occasion, safety pledges was administered and lectures and interactive sessions were organized focusing on relevance and importance of safety in work place. As a part of celebrations safety slogan competition for employees and students were conducted and an internal safety audit report was also released during the occasion in an attempt to enhancement of safety protocols. Readmore...
Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers IIChE Best Regional Centre Award for IIChE - Hyderabad Regional Centre IIChE - HRC
December 19, 2019
Best Regional Centre (BRC) Award - 2019 was conferred on the IIChE - HRC during 72nd Annual Session of IIChE / CHEMCON 2019 Conference held at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi during 15th - 19th December 2019. Dr. Sanjay Bhardwaj (Scientist F, ARCI) is the present Chairman of IIChE - HRC. Prior to this, he was Secretary of IIChE - HRC. IIChE, with its head office at Kolkata, has 41 Regional Centres and 155 Student Chapters all over India.
ARCI Internal Complaints Committee
Internal Complaints Committees (AICCs) at ARCI-Hyderabad and Chennai are actively involved in promoting awareness regarding Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace. Bilingual awareness posters were displayed at prominent locations. A One-day in-house awareness programme was organized for effective implementation of zero tolerance on "Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace" for all the employees, research students etc., on December 27, 2018 & February 12, 2019. Timely awareness is created among the newly joined research fellows/project students and trainees
At ARCI-Chennai, International Women's Day was celebrated on March 7, 2019. Ms. Mahalakshmi Saravanan, Founder – Women Entrepreneurs India, Chennai was the Chief Guest. In the interactive session, she shared her life experiences about her start-up business and the problems which she faced and how her determination and perseverance made a breakthrough in her carrier. All the employees and research students of both the Chennai Centres have attended the celebrations.
International Women’s Day was celebrated at ARCI, Hyderabad on March 8, 2019. Mrs. K. Rama Devi, Founder and President of Association of Lady Entrepreneurs of India (ALEAP) and high level Task Force Member for Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSME), was the Chief Guest on this occasion. She delivered an inspirational talk on real time problems faced by start-up lady entrepreneurs with emphasis on imparting training and scientific basis and skill required to sustain and constant business growth, based on her own life. Employees, project staff and research students actively participated in large numbers.

Mrs. Rama Devi giving her inspirational talk on the ocassion of international Women's Day Celebrations at ARCI.

Dr. R. Gopalan, Associate Director-ARCI and Ms. Mahalakshmi Saravanan, Founer-Women Entrepreneurs India, Chennai with the employees at ARCI-Chennai
National Safety Week
March 4-10, 2019
As part of fire and safety awareness programme at ARCI, a training on firefighting was conducted by Shri D. Ramesh, Security, Fire and Safety Officer in all the Centres of Excellence in ARCI during the period 30th January, 2019 to February 12, 2019.
ARCI observed National Safety Week during March 4-10, 2019. As part of 48th National Safety Day celebrations which was held on March 5, 2019, Shri D. Ramesh made a presentation on "Safety related activities at ARCI". Dr. Y. Srinivasa Rao, Scientist "F" and Dr. Prasenjit Barrick, Scientist "D", delivered talks on the safety practices at ARCI. Dr. Ritesh Vijay, Principal Scientists, CSIR-NEERI, Nagpur delivered a talk on "Waste Water Management". On this occasion Revised Safety Manual and ARCI Safety Policy were also released. Competition on Safety Slogan was conducted in three categories, about 85 participants actively took part in this event. Winner of each category were rewarded with prizes.
Dr.Roy Johnson and Dr. T. Narasinga Rao, Associate Directors with the paticipants at the National Safety day Celebrations at ARCI
March 15, 2019
Sports and games were inaugurated on March 15, 2019. 2K walkathon with staff members and students was arranged. A talk on "Physical Activity, Fitness and Health" was delivered by Mr. Manish Kumar Sharma, Chief Drill Instructor, Sardar Vallabhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderabad. In all 13 different games and sports events such as Volleyball, Football, Cricket, Badminton, Tennikoit, Carom, Chess, Table Tennis, Athletics, quiz etc,. were conducted, in which employees, project staff, research fellows and students actively participated.
2K Walkathon by employees and students at ARCI
National Science Day
February 27-28, 2019
National Science Day (NSD) was celebrated at ARCI during February 27-28, 2019. This year's theme for NSD was "Science for the People and People for the Science". The celebrations began on February 27, 2019. On this occasion, Prof. P. Rama Rao, Distinguished ARCI Chair delivered a talk on "Plutonium (Pu): The Man made Wonder Material". On February 28, 2019, B.Tech., and M.Sc., students from select colleges in Hyderabad were invited for the celebrations. The Senior and Junior Research Fellows of ARCI had taken the students on tour to visit various Centres of Excellence, wherein they had opportunity to view various sophisticated equipment, live demonstrations and interaction with Scientists.

Director-ARCI with students from B.Tech and M.Sc., college students on the occasion of National Science Day celebrations at ARCI
Prof. P. Rama Rao, Distinguished ARCI Chair delivering a talk. (Inset Prof. P. Rama Rao was felicited with a 3D model of his face profile by metal Additive Manufacturing [left] and Wax 3D Model [right]
Brainstorming meeting
September 05, 2018
Brainstorming meeting to discuss and deliberate to generate a road map for development of metal powders including design of new alloys for applications such as additive manufacturing, conventional powder metallurgy and coatings was organized by ARCI on September 05, 2018 at Centre for Nanomaterials, ARCI. The meeting was attended by representatives from PM industries, R&D institutes, DRDO, Government Establishments/Undertakings and Powder metallurgy association of India (PMAI). The meeting started with a visit to Centre for Nano Materials (CNM), Centre for Laser Processing of Materials (CLPM) and Centre for Engineered Coatings (CEC) during which processing equipment along with their functionality and capabilities with respect to development of powders as well as components were explained.
Mass Tree Plantation
July 26, 2018
Under Government of Telangana's 4th phase Haritha Haram programme, ARCI has taken up mass tree plantation programme on July 26, 2018. All the staff members and research students actively participated in the programme and around 1000 saplings were planted in the campus.
Saplings being planted by Dr. G. Padmanabham, Dr. T Narasinga Rao, Mr. Paul Rajkumar and employees of ARCI
Technology Day Celebrations
May 11, 2018
On the occasion of technology day celebrations, Dr. Roy Johnson, Associate Director, ARCI inaugurated Solar Power facility at Centre for Sol-gel Coatings, ARCI on May 11, 2018. Mr. V. Balaji Rao, Scientist "F" demonstrated solar power generation plant and interacted with employees children who attended the programme. Apart from the above live technology demonstrations activities were also organized for the students.
Technology day lecture was delivered by Dr. S. Ramakrishnan, Vikram Sarabhai Distinguished Professor, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Trivandrum on "Launching A Satellite – An Overview of Rocket Science & Launch Vehicle Technology".
Swatch Bharat Abhiyan
May 1-15, 2018
As part of 'Swatch Bharat Mission’, ARCI regularly observes cleanliness. All the staff members of ARCI Hyderabad, Chennai Centres and Gurugram Offices actively participated in the “Swatchhta Pakhwada” campaign held from May 1-15, 2018. Slogan & Essay writing/Drawing competitions were conducted for the employee's children, followed by their visit to the various centres of excellence, where they had a rare opportunity to view live demonstrations of various sophisticated equipments and they interacted with scientists and research students. As part of plastic hazardous awareness programme, 500 jute bags with a slogan printed as "No to plastic bag" were distributed to everyone in the campus.
Order placement of Phytorid Sewage Treatment Plant on CSIR-NEERI at ARCI by Dr. G. Padmanabham, Director-ARCI on the Occation of Swatchhta Pakhwada Week. The Committee members are also seen in the picture.
International Yoga Day
June 21, 2018
“International Yoga Day” (IYD) was celebrated on June 21, 2018 at ARCI, Hyderabad. As part of celebrations, Smt. Chitra Ananth, Senior Teacher from the institute of Art of Living, Hyderabad delivered a lecture on “Coping with Workplace Stress”. She also demonstrated few important yoga Asanas which was well attended by the staff members and research students. ARCI Chennai Centres celebrated IYD on June 21, 2019. All the staff members and students participated in a lecture and yoga practice session conducted by Mr. Krishna from Inspiring Fitness Services OPC Pvt. Ltd., Chennai.
Jayanti Celebrations
April 14, 2018
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Dr. Babu Jagjivan Ram and Mahatma Jyothirao Phule Jayanthi celebrations were held at ARCI on April 14, 2018. Dr. K. Murugan, President ARCI SC/ST Employees Welfare Association welcomed the gathering. Dr. T. Narasinga Rao, Dr. Roy Johnson, Associate Directors including ARCI SC/ST Employees Welfare Association members paid rich floral tributes and spoke about the contributions made by Dr.Ambedkar, Dr.Babu Jagjivan Ram and Mahatma Jyothirao Phule towards the upliftment of downtrodden and women.
Health Innovation Summit
November 17, 2018
The Healthcare Special Interest Group of IIT Bombay Alumni Association (IITBAA) and Hyderabad Chapter of IITBAA (in association with ARCI) is organizing Health Innovation Summit on 17/11/2018 at HICC Novotel Hyderabad.
For details visit
NOV 2018
Dr. R Gopalan, Associate Director-ARCI has been selected for the prestigious 2017 VASVIK Award for the outstanding contribution in the field of Materials, Metallurgical Sciences & Technology by Vividhlaxi Audyogik Samshodhan Vikas Kendra (VASVIK)
The Vigilance Awareness Week
November 3, 2018
Vigilance Awareness Week was observed at ARCI from October 29, 2018 to November 03, 2018. The theme of Vigilance Awareness Week was “Eradicate Corruption – Build a New India". The pledge was administered at ARCI-Hyderabad, Chennai and Gurugram campus. As part of the Vigilance Awareness Week, Mr. A.Y.N. Krishna, IPS, Joint Director, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Hyderabad delivered a lecture on October 31, 2018. On this occasion, posters on vigilance awareness were displayed in the Administrative Building and slogans were also displayed on all the digital boards.
The Vigilance Awareness pledge being administered at ARCI-Hyderabad, Chennai and Gurugram offices.
One day Workshop on Empowering Next Generation Power Systems with Hydrogen in India
October 10,2018
Centre for Fuel Cell Technology (CFCT) conducted a one-day workshop on ‘Empowering next generation power systems with hydrogen in India’ on October 8, 2018. This workshop was conducted to commemorate the ‘National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell day’ which was created to raise awareness of a clean energy technology based on Hydrogen. Globally, October 8th (10.08) was chosen as a National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell day in reference to the hydrogen’s atomic weight (1.008 amu). The aim and objective of this workshop is to encourage, develop and promote hydrogen energy and fuel cell and its applications in the country.
Report On The Workshop
Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering
October, 2018
Dr. R. Gopalan, Associate Director, ARCI has been elected as a Fellow of the Indian National Academy of Engineering -INAE in recognition of his distinguished contributions to Engineering.
Hindi Scientific and Technical Workshop
June 06,2018
Hindi Scientific and Technical Workshop on "ROLE OF SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATIONS IN NATION'S DEVELOPMENT"- 2018 is being held at ARCI, Hyderabad on June 06, 2018
Re-Constitution of ARCI Internal Complaints Committee (AICC)
February 21, 2018
The following members will constitute the Internal Complaints Committee of ARCI, Hyderabad w.e.f. 21/02/2018:
Dr. Malobika Karanjai, Scientist-F - Presiding Officer
email: malobika[at]arci[dot]res[dot]in, Tel. :040-24452381
Dr. Neha Yeshwanta Hebalkar, Scientist 'E', Member Secretary
Email: neha[at]arci[dot]res[dot]in; Tel.: 040-24452440
Dr. Mamatha Raghuveer Achanta, Founder Director, TARUNI-NGO, External Member
Email:,; Tel.: 040-24072038, 9849418592 (M)
Mr. R Vijaya Chandar, Scientist 'D', Member
Email: vijay_ravula[at]arci[dot]res[dot]in; Tel.:040-24452362
Ms. N Aruna, Technical Officer 'A', Member
Email: naruna[at]arci[dot]res[dot]in; Tel.:040-24452422
Ms. B Divya, Senior Research Fellow, Student Representative
Email: divya.deepa1[at]gmail[dot]com; Tel: 9441286455
Best Paper Award
February 15, 2018
Ms. Shaik Mubina, Senior Research Fellow (under Dr. Bhaskar Prasad Saha, Team Leader, Centre for Non-Oxide Ceramics) received 'Best Paper Award' for her oral talk on "Effect of powder processing parameters on the properties of Silicon Carbide & its composites used for harsh environments" at International Conference on Engineering Materials, Metallurgy & Manufacturing (ICEMMM-2018) held during 15-16 February-2018 at SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.
ISAS National Award
February 08, 2018
Dr. R Gopalan, Associate Director-ARCI received the ISAS National Award for Excellence in Science and Technology 2017 presented by Indian Society of Analytical Scientists on February 08, 2018 during the Indian Analytical Science Congress 2018 organized by Indian Society of Analytical Scientists at Kumarakom, Kerala for his outstanding contributions in the field of Materials Science & Engineering.
Bharat Vikas Award
November 19, 2017
Dr. Sanjay Bhardwaj received the 'Bharat Vikas Award' for 'Loyalty, Diligence & Outstanding Performance in the Field of Science & Technology based Entrepreneurship' on November 19, 2017 at Bhubaneswar.
Best Poster Award
December 09, 2017
Ms. PM Pratheeksha, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Nanomaterials, won the 'Best Poster Award' with a Cash Prize of Rs. 20,000/- at the 9th Bengaluru India Nano Conference held on December 09, 2017
Rashtriya Gaurav Award
May 27, 2017
Dr. R Gopalan, Associate Director-ARCI has been presented with 'Rashtriya Gaurav Award' for meritorious services, outstanding performance and remarkable role by India International Friendship Society at a Seminar on Economic Growth & National Integration at New Delhi on May 27, 2017.
The Best Citizens of India Award 2017
Dr. R Gopalan, Associate Director, ARCI has been conferred with 'The Best Citizens of India Award 2017' by International Publishing House.
Outstanding Scientist award
November 11, 2017
Dr. Srinivasan Anandan, Scientist 'D', Centre for Nanomaterials, has been conferred upon the award of Outstanding Scientist for the contribution and achievement in the field of Nanomaterials by Venus International Foundation, Chennai on November 11, 2017.
Best Session Paper
29-30 July 2017
Shri Sumit Ranjan Sahu, Centre for Automotive Energy Materials has received "Best Session Paper" in In-house symposium held at IIT Madras during 29-30 July 2017 on the topic "Synthesis of Graphene Sheets from Single-walled Carbon Nanohorns"
Best Paper award
27-28 April, 2017
Aswin Bob Ignatius, M.Tech. Project Student (Dr R. Subasri), Centre for Sol-Gel Coatings, was awarded the Best Paper titled Effect of Shot-Peening on the Adhesion of Chitosan-Based Multifunctional Sol-Gel Coatings on SS 304, authored by Aswin Bob Ingatius, S Pradheebha, V.K. Manoaharan and R. Subasri, for his oral presentation at the “National Conference on Advances in Micro and Nano Electronics – NCAMNE 2017 â€, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 27 th - 28 th April, 2017
Best Paper of the Session
March 10-12, 2017
Swapnil H. Adsul Senior Research (Dr. R. Subasri) was awarded the "Best Paper of the Session" for the poster presentation titled "Corrosion Behavior Study of Nanoclay-based Sol-gel Coatings on Mg Alloy AZ91D" in the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering (IMME 17) at NIT Trichy held during March 10-12, 2017.
ARCI TechEx 2017
27-28 February 2017
ARCI celebrated 20 successful years of research, development and technology transfer in the field of materials and processes through ARCITechEx2017†during February 27-28,
2017 at ARCI Campus, Balapur, Hyderabad.
International Women's Day Celebrations at ARCI
08 March 2017
International Women's Day was celebrated on March 8, 2017 at ARCI. Dr. Gyanmudra, Professor and Head for Human Resource Development, National Institute of Rural Development & Panchayati Raj, Hyderabad delivered a talk on "Emotional Intelligence at Work Place" on this occasion. An interactive Session with women staff members, research fellows, trainees and project students was also held on the same day.
International Women's Day Celebration at ARCI - Chennai
This year Ms. Sujatha Chakravarthy, Managing Director for Dhvani Research was invited at Chief Guest on March 8th 2017. She spoke about "Women Entrepreneur" and shared her experiences with all the ARCI staff during the execution of the projects with ISRO, Defence,GE,Tata etc.
All women scientists and other scientists also appreciated the real application of science behind her projects and for her efforts in handling government agencies during the sales tax issues, consignment delivery, railways, logistics etc.,
46th National Safety Day Celebrations at ARCI
07 March 2017
As part of the 46 th National Safety Day/ National Safety Week celebrations at ARCI, Dr. Sadhana S Rayalu,Professor and Chief Scientist & Head Environmental Materials Division, NEERI, Nagpur delivered a talk on "Safety, Health and Environmental Issues related to Nanotechnology" and Dr. Y Srinivasa Rao, Scientist F-ARCI delivered a talk on "Safety: ARCI Perspective" on March 07, 2017 for the benefit of all the members of staff and students.
ARCITechEx 2017
27-28 February 2017
ARCITechEx 2017 is being organized to celebrate 20 years of successful operation of ARCI during 27-28 February 2017 at ARCI, Balapur, Hyderabad
ARCI signed an MoU to set-up a Joint Technology Centre for Laser Based Powder Bed Metal Additive Manufacturing
October 13, 2016
ARCI signed an MoU to set-up a Joint Technology Centre for Laser Based Powder Bed Metal Additive Manufacturing with SLM Solutions and Designtech Systems on October 13, 2016 and the Centre is expected to be fully operational by end of January 2017.
Dr. SM Shariff, Scientist-E, Centre for Laser Processing of Materials, received 'Distinguished Scientist' award
03 December 2016
Dr. SM Shariff, Scientist-E, Centre for Laser Processing of Materials, received 'Distinguished Scientist' award for the contribution and achievement in the field of Laser Based Manufacturing from Venus International Foundation, Chennai on 03/12/2016.
Dr. R Balaji, received 'Outstanding Scientist' award
03 December 2016
Dr. R Balaji, Scientist, Centre for Fuel Cell Technology, received 'Outstanding Scientist' award for the contribution and achievement in the field of Hydrogen Energy Technology from Venus International Foundation, Chennai on 03/12/2016.
Dr R Gopalan, Associate Director has become International Advisory Committee Member for rare earth permanent magnets
August 28, 2016
Dr R Gopalan, Associate Director has become International Advisory Committee Member for rare earth permanent magnets in recently (28 August-1 September) concluded conference at Darmstadt, Germany.
Dr. R Gopalan, Associate Director, has become Editorial Board Member of Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A & Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B
November 09, 2016
Dr. R Gopalan, Associate Director, has become Editorial Board Member of Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A & Journal of Materials Science and Engineering B
Observance of National Vigilance Awareness Week-2016
31 October 2016
Observance of National Vigilance Awareness Week-2016
Dr. Roy Johnson designated as Associate Director
October 07, 2016
Dr. Roy Johnson, Scientist 'G' has been designated as Associate Director, ARCI on 07.10.2016
Dr. G Padmanabham has assumed the charge of Director, ARCI on 07.10.2016 F/N
October 07, 2016
One day Workshop on Advanced Ceramic Processing and Fabrication
December 12, 2016
One day Workshop on Advanced Ceramic Processing and Fabrication - December 12, 2016 at ARCI, Hyderabad
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Conference on "Future of Indian Automotive Industry: Lasers and its Applications"
21 September 2016
Conference on "Future of Indian Automotive Industry: Lasers and its Applications"
21 September 2016, BIEC, Bengaluru
Prgram Schedule
Best Poster Award at National Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences and Technologies
28-29 January 2016
V. V. N. Phanikumar, SRF (Guide: Dr. R. Prakash) from Centre for Automotive Energy Materials won the Best Poster Award at National Conference on Frontiers in Chemical Sciences and Technologies (FCST) on 28-29 January 2016 at Dept. of Chemistry, NIT-Warangal.
ARCI received National Award 2016(TDB) for successful commercialization of indigenous technology, along with M/s. Resil Chemicals Private Limited, Bangalore. Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao, Associate Director, ARCI received the trophy from Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble President of India on the Technology Day on May 11, 2016 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.
May 11, 2016
ARCI received National Award 2016 for successful commercialization of indigenous technology, along with M/s. Resil Chemicals Private Limited, Bangalore, N9 Pure Silver: a silver based antimicrobial that not only keeps the treated surface hygienic, but also offers a safe and natural way to keep textiles odour-free and fresh. Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao, Associate Director, ARCI received the trophy from Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Hon'ble President of India on the Technology Day on May 11, 2016 at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi.
Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences
June 06, 2016
Dr. R Gopalan, Associate Director has been elected as "Fellow of Telangana Academy of Sciences" for the year 2015.
Best Paper Award
23rd April 2016
Ms. S. Pradheebha (Dr R. Subasri), M.Tech project student of PSG College of Technology and working at Center for Sol-Gel coatings, has received the best paper award for the presentation titled "Effect of Texturing on Surface Wettability of Sol-Gel Nanocomposite Coatings" in the National Conference on Advances in Micro and Nano Electronics (NCAMNE' 16), held at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, on 23rd April 2016.
National Science Day Celebrations
29th February, 2016
As part of National Science Day celebration at ARCI, Prof. KS Ratnakar, Director, Global Medical Education and Research, Global Hospitals, Hyderabad delivered a lecture on "Science and Conscience" on 29th February, 2016 at ARCI.
Ms.Yamini Ananthan received "Best Poster" Award in the 8th Bangalore India Nano Conference
3 - 4 March 2016
Ms.Yamini Ananthan received "Best Poster" Award in the 8th Bangalore India Nano Conference held on 3 - 4 March 2016.
"Best Exhibitor" Award in the Category of "Creative Design" In 8th Bangalore India Nano Conference
3 - 4 March 2016
ARCI received "Best Exhibitor" Award in the Category of "Creative Design" In 8th Bangalore India Nano Conference held on 3 - 4 March 2016.
ARCI's TiO2 Photocatalyst Technology is Commercilized by Resil
January - February 2016
ARCI's TiO2 Photocatalyst Technology is Commercilized by Resil in the form of "Sun Clean" garments launched in the market by Splash & Flying Machine.
Dr.G Padmanabham, Director-In-Charge
January 1, 2016
Dr.G Padmanabham has taken over as Director-In-Charge with effect from 1st January 2016.
Mr. K. Nanaji (Dr. Srinivasan Anandan) received the 'Best Oral Presentation Award'
November 26-28, 2015
Mr. K. Nanaji (Dr. Srinivasan Anandan) received the 'Best Oral Presentation Award' for the paper on "Ordered Mesoporous Carbon as an Efficient Anode Material for Lithium Ion Battery Application" at the 'National Conference on Carbon Materials 2015 (NCCM 2015)' held at New Delhi during November 26-28, 2015.
Dr.Harsh Vardhan, Hon'ble Union Minister for Science & Technology, Visited ARCI
October 11th, 2015
Hon'ble Union Minister for Science and Technology and Earth Sciences, Dr Harsh Vardhan, visited International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI) on 11th October 2015. The Minister visited various Centres of Excellence for nanomaterials, engineered coatings, ceramic processing, non-oxide ceramics, sol-gel coatings, laser processing of materials, carbon materials and solar energy materials. He had shown keen interest in various ongoing projects of ARCI. He also interacted with scientists and technical officers who were involved in development of various materials and manufacturing technologies. He motivated them to work with a specific dream and time frame towards its fulfillment.
He stressed upon the importance of science in achieving the objectives and flagship programmes of Govt of India including Make in India, Swachh Bharat and Digital India. He commended the Scientists, Technical Officers, Technicians and other staff who were not only working with highly sophisticated imported equipment with ease but are able to maintain them with in-house expertise.
Dr. Shanmugasundaram Sakthivel
October 26th, 2015
Dr. Shanmugasundaram Sakthivel received Bharat Jyoti award from India-International Friendship Society
Dr. Shanmugasundaram Sakthivel
Glory of India Gold Medal
Dr. Shanmugasundaram Sakthivel has also received Glory of India Gold Medal from International Institute of Success Awareness
Dr.T N Rao Elected as Academician of APAM
November, 2015
Dr.T N Rao Elected as Academician of Asia Pacific Academy of Materials (APAM)-2015.
National level Padarth 3MT Presentation Competition
Mr.Sreekanth M. won the National level Padarth 3MT (3 minute thesis) presentation competition in PG category held at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
Excellence in Research Award
Mr.Sreekanth M. and Ms.Anulekha received the Excellence in Research Award at Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad for the year 2014
Tata's Post-Doctoral Fellowship
Mr.Sreekanth M. received the prestigious Tata's Post-Doctoral Fellowship to carry out research at Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Scientific Society's Young Scientist Award
Mr.Sreekanth M. received the prestigious Dr. K. V. Rao Scientific Society's Young Scientist Award for outstanding achievement in Chemistry (Allied Sciences) for the year 2014-15
ARCI successfully transfers knowhow to M/s Coat-X Hard Surface Makers
March 20, 2015
ARCI has successfully transferred the know-how for "Sol-gel nanocomposite decorative coatings on glass" to M/s Coat-X Hard Surface Makers, Hyderabad on March 20, 2015.
Dr. R Subasri, Sc-F
Dr R. Subasri received the Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) medal for 2015, in recognition of her significant contributions to the field of Materials Research and Engineering.
STEM Annual Summit
August 19th
Dr.Sanjay Bhardwaj was inducted as a ‘Fellow’ of the Society of Technology Management (STEM) during the ‘STEM Annual Summit’ held at Hyderabad on August 19, 2014.
Ms. Alka Pareek, SAF
Dec 15-17, 2014
Recieved best oral presentation award in ICEE-2014, Dec 15-17 held at Hyderabad.
Ms. Alka Pareek, SAF
Feb 20-24, 2014
Recieved best oral presentation award in ISEAC DM-2014, Feb 20-24 held at Amritsar.
Technology Transfer Agreement with M/s Resil Chemicals Pvt Ltd
ARCI has successfully transferred Self clearing technology for textile applications to M/s Resil Chemicals Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
18th Annual Day of ARCI
ARCI celebrated its 18th Annual Day on December 26th, 2014. On this occasion, Director, Additional Director and Associate Director planted trees in the campus.
ARCI has signed an Agreement with CSIR-Tech Pvt. Ltd.
ARCI has signed an Agreement with CSIR-Tech Pvt. Ltd., Pune to enhance outreach of its technologies, knowledge-base and services.
Ms S. Pavithra, Junior ARCI Fellow
August 24, 2014
Ms S. Pavithra, Junior ARCI Fellow, Centre for Sol-Gel Coatings, ARCI, Hyderabad who is presently pursuing course work for Ph.D. at Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department, IIT Madras, was awarded the best poster presentation along with a cash prize of Rs 4000, for presenting the poster titled "Single layer zeolite-MgF2 composite antireflective coatings with improved mechanical properties on polycarbonate by sol-gel route" at AMALGAM 2014, held at IIT Madras on August 24, 2014.
Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao
20th April, 2014
Dr. Tata Narasinga Rao received Tokyo University of Science (TUS) President award, and was invited to visit TUS, Japan from 20th April to 1st May, 2014
Dr. G Sundararajan, Director
January 2014
Dr. G Sundararajan, Director, ARCI has been conferred the Padma Shri in January 2014 for his outstanding contributions in the field of Science and Engineering
Dr. R Gopalan, Scientist G
Award for 2014
Dr R Gopalan, Scientist G received MRSI medal award for 2014 for his research contribution in the field of Materials Science & Engineering
Dr. G Padmanabham, Associate Director
Dr. G Padmanabham has been conferred "Fellow" of AP Akademi of Sciences, Hyderabad
Dr. Shrikant V Joshi , Additional Director
Awards during 2014
Dr. SV Joshi had recently been selected to receive the 'MRSI-ICSC Superconductivity & Materials Science Annual Prize' for the year 2014.
India nano Innovation Award-2013
RESIL CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED, Bangalore who received the nanosilver technology form ARCI, Hyderabad won the"Bangalore INDIA NANO Innovation Award-2013" for the commercialization of silver-textile technology.
Dr G. Padmanabham, Associate Director
11-13 February 2013
Dr G. Padmanabham received the Materials Research Society of India (MRSI) Medal-2013 during MRSI Annual General Meeting on 11-13 February 2013
Dr. T N Rao
14th July, 2013
Dr T.N. Rao received the Coastal Chemical Research Society (CCRS-2013) award in research category during the 1st CCRS International conference held on 13th and 14th July, 2013 at Sanketika Vidya Parishad Engineering College, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh
Dr R. Gopalan
14th November 2013
Dr R Gopalan received one of the `Metallurgist of the Year'-2013' Awards in Metal Sciences Group in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the development of frontier magnetic materials for automotive and aerospace applications,. The award was given to him by Ministry of Steel, Government of India during the National Metallurgists' Day organized by Indian Institute of Metals on 14th November 2013.
Dr G Padmanabham, Associate Director
5th November 2013
Dr G Padmanabham received the Andhra Pradesh Scientist Award (APSA)-2012 in the field of Engineering conferred by the Andhra Pradesh Council of Science & Technology (APCOST), Government of A.P on 15th November 2013 as part of the A.P. Science Congress-2013 organised by the A.P. Akademi of Sciences
Dr. Shrikant V Joshi , Additional Director
December 14, 2013
Vividhlaxi Audyogik Samshodhan Vikas Kendra had honoured Dr. S V Joshi with the VASVIK Award jointly with Dr. Srinivasan Srikanth in the category of Material and Metallurgical Sciences & Technology for the year 2011. The Award was presented to Dr. Joshi at the Awards giving Function held at Mumbai on December 14, 2013.
Dr. G Sundararajan, Director
November 14, 2013
Dr. G Sundararajan received the "NATIONAL METALLURGIST AWARD 2013", conferred by the Indian Institute of Metals during NMD-ATM held at Varanasi on November 14, 2013
Dr. Shrikant V Joshi , Additional Director
December 06, 2012
Dr. S. V. Joshi was inducted as a 'Fellow' of the Indian National Academy of Engineering (INAE), during the "INAE Annual Convention" held at Roorkee on December 06, 2012.
Mr. Sasank Viswanath (CFCT), Project Scientist
2-3 June 2012
Mr. Sasank Viswanath received the Excellent Paper Award for his paper "Design and Development of a Closed Two Loop Thermal Management Configuration for PEM Fuel Cell" presented at International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering (ICCPE) held during 2-3 June 2012, Hong Kong