Centre for Solar Energy Materials (CSEM)

The emergence of new solar energy technologies has been a potential game changer in the modern era of power generation. The flourishing solar energy technologies and associated R & D in the development of new technologies are boosted with the India's Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNSM). Centre for solar Energy Materials (CSEM) at ARCI has been established with a futuristic ideology of development and demonstration of various eco-friendly and economically viable technologies in the field of solar photovoltaic and solar thermal.
1.Perovskite Solar Cells
- High Performance Perovskite Solar Cells Through Solution and Vapour Process
- Highly Moisture Stable Quasi 2-D Perovskite Solar Cells
- Transparent Perovskite Solar Cells for Smart window application
2.CIGS thin film Solar Cells
- CIGS thin film Solar Cells by combination of Sputtering & Selenization Process
- CIGS/CIS thin film Solar Cells by Electro deposition and Nano-Ink-based route
- Flexible CIGS thin film Solar Cells
3.Solar Thermal
- Selective absorber tubes for low, medium and high temperature applications
- Nano Heat Transfer Fluids (nHTF) for thermal storage and Heat transfer applications
- Durable Reflective Mirror for Concentrated Solar Thermal Systems
- Selective absorber coatings by electrodeposition route for low and medium temperature applications
4.Function Materials & Coatings
- Easy to Clean Coatings for dust cleaning of PV panels and other applications
- High performance broad-band AR coatings for PV and CSP applications
- Dual functional coatings (Antireflective and Antifogging)
- Smart carbon TiO2 nanocomposite materials for self-cleaning application
- High crystalline TiO2 and ZrO2 nanoparticles for PV and other applications
5.Performance evaluation and testing of PV modules & Solar Receiver tube
- PV cells/modules by STD test and field validation
- Receiver tube through heat loss and heat gain measurements by Parabolic Test Rig