Centre for Laser Processing of Materials (CLPM)
Repair and Refurbishment of Pressure Die Casting Die Components using Laser Material Deposition (Laser Cladding)
Enhancing service life by surface treatment and recovering component after post damage could have significant economic benefits. Die tool costs 10% of cast part. Repair and refurbishment are increasingly common practices, seeking to maximize unit lifetime, availability and profitability.
Key Features
- Repair is possible without preheating of the components/tools
- Low heat input to the component, so less damage
- Narrow soft zone created with relatively high hardness
- Fully automated and repeatable
- Precise deposition and less post processing
Potential Applications
- Pressure die casting tools
- High Temperature Extrusion tools
- Hot Forging tools
- Hot forming and Punching tools
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Successfully completed testing of repaired PDC tools on real-time conditions (Case study)
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Autogenous Laser Welding of Modified 9Cr-1Mo steel
Modified 9Cr-1Mo (P91) steel finds its usage in high temperature applications such as in supercritical and ultra super critical power plants. The weldability issues in P91 steel such as formation of delta ferrite in the fusion zone reducing the creep properties, hydrogen induced cracking due to high hardness in as-welded condition and Type-IV cracking in the intercritical zone away from the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) are expected to be obviated through low heat input welding technique. Autogenous laser welding a low heat input technique when applied on 6 mm thick P91 steel plates using high beam quality (Gaussian,K>0.96) DC035 slab CO2 laser using a focal spot size of 180 µm could successfully address the above stated challenges.
Key Features
- Welds free from both hot and cold cracks and also fusion zone free of delta ferrite and no intercritical soft zone.
- The welds have 100 % joint efficiency with failure away from the weld in tensile testing and the welds have sufficient bend ductility.
Potential Applications
- Power plant
- Nuclear industry
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Performance and stability are validated at coupon level
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Major Patents / Publications
Major Publications
- B. Shanmugarajan, G. Padmanabham, Hemant Kumar, S.K. Albert and A.K.Bhaduri, “Autogenous laser welding investigations on modified 9Cr-1Mo (P91) steels”, Science & Technology of Welding and Joining, Vol.6, No.6, 2011, p528
Reclamation of Turbo Shaft by Laser Clad Coating
Heavy engineering industries use various big and expensive components like Turbo shaft. A localize wear or other damage on a critical location can lead to scrapping the entire component. A turbo shaft is such component which gets wear on the bearing seat area. Refurbishment was done by removing the damaged layer and rebuilding a new clad layer using laser clad deposition method. A Cobalt based powder was chosen for the refurbishment to improve the wear properties and enhance the life of the refurbished component. Defect-free coating of 1.8 mm thickness across the contour of seating area was produced by diode laser cladding with following characteristics:
- UT-defect free
- ~ 0.6 mm finish grinding allowance
- ~ 0.6% porosity
- Micro-hardness 500-550 HV
- Dilution of base metal into clad ~ 8%.
Key Features
- Negligible porosity
- Controlled heat input
- Minimal heat affected region
- Precise and controlled process
- No distortion
Potential Applications
- Turbo shafts
- Steam turbine and gas turbines
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Refurbished shaft was used by end user and demonstrated excellent performance
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Life Enhancement of Thermal Power Plant Components by Laser Cladding
In power plants, degradation of various components like coal nozzle tips, boiler tubes, burner spreaders, etc, due to various modes of wear, erosion and corrosion, is a common problem leading to their replacement during maintenance schedules. Such tribological systems, working in high temperature aggressive environments, require suitable surface modification solutions for life enhancement.
Key Features
- Highly controlled process
- Flexibility to adopt the process for different components
- Selective clad coating where needed
- Excellent metallurgical bond between coating and surface
- No post clad heat treatment required
Potential Applications
- Baffle plates
- Boiler tube
- Burner spreaders etc
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Field trial in an actual power plant showed negligible wear after 15 month of service
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Major Patents / Publications
Major Publications
- “A novel method of pulsed laser cladding for effective control of melting of WC particulates in NiCr-WC composite coatings” Manish Tak, SM Shariff, Vikram Sake, G Padmanabham, Proceedings of 31st International Congress of Laser & Electro optic (ICALEO), p515-523, 2012
- “Characteristics and erosive wear performance of Ni-Cr based coatings on SS-310 steel by diode laser cladding and weldoverlay processes”, Proceeding of International conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT-23)
Refurbishment of Cast Iron Components using Laser Cladding
Grey cast iron finds extensive applications in the Glass mould industries and automotive industries for making of components like dies, gears, links, cylinder block, cylinder head, clutch plate etc. Many times, the size of the cast component is large and a small localize wear can lead to scrapping the entire component. Repair of cast iron has been very challenging due to presence of free carbon in the form of graphite flakes which forms COx gases during deposition and these gases get entrapped during the deposition process resulting in porosity. Transverse cracking is another deterrent in repair which occurs due to interfacial stresses associated with formation of hard and brittle heat affect zone. Laser cladding due to its advantages like minimal and controlled energy input can minimise the heat affected zone and minimise the formation of COx gases. Repair solutions with or without pre-heating were developed successfully.
Key Features
- Negligible porosity
- Crack free deposition
- No distortion
- Minimal heat affected region
Potential Applications
- Glass Mould Dies
- Cylinder Heads
- Cam Shafts
- Gear Boxes
- Heavy engineering equipment and machine beds
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Performance and stability are validated at laboratory scale
- Prototypes are generated
- Field trials are underway
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Laser Hardening of Hemming Beds
Hemming beds or forming dies are widely used in the automotive industry. The edges which are used for forming are subjected to high wear and require hardening to improve the bed’s life. Laser hardening provide an excellent control on the energy input enabling hardening of cast iron without melting. The surface temperature regulation system available at ARCI provides added control while processing 3D contours as well negligible change in the surface finish can eliminate the requirement of any post hardening machining.
Key Features
- Selective and localised hardening process
- No coolant or quenching medium required
- Uniform hardened layer throughout the processed area
- Negligible change in the surface roughness
- Compressive stresses in the hardened region
- Automation possible, No human errors
- Case depth 0.8 - 1.2 mm with ~55HRc uniform hardness throughout the bed Material (GGG70L Nodular Cast Iron)
Potential Applications
- Hemming beds and Forming dies made of cast iron and steels
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Laser hardened hemming beds were used by end user with excellent performance compared to flame hardened beds
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Laser Assisted Machining for AUSC Boiler
The proposed AUSC boiler will have IN617 and IN625 parts / components in very high volume. However, nickel-based alloys are known as difficult-to-machine materials due to high strength and low thermal conductivity that make the cutting forces and cutting temperature very high leading to a short tool life. Hence, machining cost of these parts will be very high. Laser Assisted Machining (LAM), the material is locally heated and softened by an intense laser source prior to material removal, without melting or sublimation of the work piece as depicted in fig. This enables the difficult-to-machine materials to be machined more easily and with low machine power consumption, which leads to increase in material removal rate and productivity.
Key Features
- Softening of the material by heating
- Reduction in tool forces
- Better finish
- Lower tool wear
Potential Applications
- Component made of hard to machine alloys
- Ni based super alloys, Ti-based alloys, ceramics
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Performance and stability are validated at laboratory scale
- Scale-up and prototype module fabrication underway(Arial Narrow 10 pt – Not more than 3 bullet points of one line)
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Laser Hardening of Crank Shafts
Crankshaft is one of the critical parts in an automotive engine, generally made of medium carbon steel requiring good wear resistance at contact areas (at bearings contact region and pin area) coupled with high load-bearing capacity. Laser surface transformation hardening process provides excellent surface finish with elimination of post-process machining requirement, no part distortion and easy adaptation to any dimension. Excellent control on the energy input leads to a uniform hardened layer across the component. A two-wheeler air-compressor crankshaft made of En18D material was successful;ly laser hardened and field trialled. Hardness in the range of 500 – 650 HV with a uniform case depth of about 300 μm was achieved. Net residual stress in the treated layer was ~ -310 MPa with 2-3% retained austenite. Laser hardened crankshafts showed 30% more life in field trials
Key Features
- Selective and localised hardening process
- No coolant or quenching medium required
- Uniform hardened layer throughout the processed area
- Negligible change in the surface roughness
- Compressive stresses in the hardened region
- Automation possible
Potential Applications
- Crank shafts
- Cam shafts
- Gears
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Laser hardened crank shafts showed 30% more life in field trials
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Major Patents / Publications
Major Publications
- Laser Surface Hardening of Crankshafts, SAE 2009-28-0053
Refurbishment of components made of High Tensile Steel
High tensile steels are commonly used in aerospace, automotive, energy and general engineering sectors for various power transmission gears shafts, connecting rods propeller shafts, and heavy forgings such as rotors, shafts, disc etc. Such components can be damaged during operation due to wear at the contact areas and refurbishment of such components using laser cladding can save the replacement cost. Also, refurbishment technology can be beneficial in countering environmental concerns. Refurbishment technology using laser cladding for one of such component was developed that faces wear during operation due to relative movement between the contact surfaces. A post heat treatment was developed that can homogenise the clad and HAZ microstructure without creating dimensional and microstructural variation in the component. Microstructural, mechanical, and wear properties were found on par with the substrate. Component successfully completed the simulated field trial
Key Features
- Negligible porosity
- Controlled heat input
- Minimal heat affected region
- Precise and controlled process
- Special post heat treatment for improved properties
Potential Applications
- Pinion housing of Helicopters
- Components made of high tensile steels
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Major Patents / Publications
Major Patents*
- A patent is filed
Additive Manufacturing of AISI H13 Tool Steel: Die Tools with conformal cooling channels
AISI H13 tool steel is versatile material used in mould and die tools applications due to its excellent hot working property with good thermo-fatigue strength. Additive manufacturing of AISI H13 alloy leads to most efficient tooling application with possibility of complex designs with conformal cooling channels. AISI H13 being hardenable alloy with carbide precipitates is sensitive to rapid solidification involved in AM process. Hence, optimization of post heat treatment has been carried out to achieve the desired microstructure and required hardness and toughness in AM manufactured part. With developed knowledge on additive manufacturing of AISI H13 tool steel, a case study has been chosen with industrial partner and test the additively manufactured tool in real-time conditions.
Key Features
- Reduction in die temperature achieved between the two shots: In case study the core pin recorded a 15 to 20 % reduction in the die temperature.
- Reduced and delayed soldering effect: The soldering behaviour of the corepin with conformal cooling channel has improved. Surface porosity is reduced in size and numbers
- Reducing the number of rejections: Increase in production and reduced cost per part.
- Reduced Casting Cycle time: It has been confirmed that the cycle time has marginally reduced which results in increase of productivity.
- Tool Service life: Because of effective cooling the service life of the core pin has also increased as compared to the core pin without conformal cooling channel.
Potential Applications
- Pressure die casting tools
- High Temperature Extrusion tools
- Hot Forging tools
- Hot forming and Punching tools
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Successfully completed testing of AM built PDC tools with conformal channels on real-time conditions (Case study)
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Laser Hybrid Welding of Nickel based super alloys
Research to increase the efficiency of conventional fossil power plants by increasing the steam temperature and pressure has been pursued worldwide. The need to reduce CO2 emission has recently provided an additional incentive to increase efficiency. The main enabling technology in achieving the above goals has been the development of stronger high temperature materials. Solid solution and carbide strengthened Nickel based super alloys have been identified as candidate materials for Advanced ultra-supercritical (AUSC) boilers capable of operating with 760oC, 35Mpa steam. Laser hybrid welding is one of the potential fusion joining techniques developed for these alloys. Deep penetration capability of laser and edge bridgability of arc process enables processing of defect free joints at higher speed with acceptable mechanical properties. Laser hybrid welding process is AMSE coded and validated process.
Key Features
- Demonstrated laser hybrid weldability of 10mm thick Plates and Tubes at coupon level.
- Defect free hybrid welds with minimal HAZ liquation.
- 100% joint efficiency.
Potential Applications
- Power sector
- Aerospace
- Nuclear
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Performance and stability are validated at coupon level
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Laser Welding of Titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V
Due to high reactivity of titanium, especially at elevated temperatures, it reacts strongly with most atmospheric elements like, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, etc. and gets embrittled readily. Hence, elaborate shielding arrangements are required while welding and often electron beam welding is preferred as it is done in vacuum. Laser Welding with simple and effective shielding arrangement has been proven to be techno-commercially feasible joining technique as compared to Electron Beam Welding.
Key Features
- Localised inert gas shielding set up.
- Welded joint made with square and lip joint configuration on 4mm thick sheets with 100% joint efficiency.
Potential Applications
- Aerospace •
- Chemical industry
- Medical industry
Intellectual Property Development Indices (IPDI) 
- Performance and stability are validated at coupon level
Status | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |