
Technical Research Centre on Alternative Energy Materials & Systems

Title : Technical Research Centre on Alternative Energy Materials & Systems (ARCI-TRC-AEM&S)
Duration : 5 years (w.e.f. 29-12-2015)


The present project focuses on setting up a Technical Research Centre for Alternative Energy Materials & Systems at ARCI (to be implemented on its campuses in Hyderabad and Chennai) in the following broad areas for development:

  • Solar energy (CSP, PV)
  • Energy storage (batteries & supercapacitors)
  • Energy efficiency (motors, waste heat recovery, turbines, coatings),
  • Energy conversion (fuel cells)
  • Electric/hybrid vehicle systems (involving Li-ion batteries with battery management systems, electric motors etc.).

The overall objective of the proposal is to build-up technology strengths in each of the identified areas to reach a maturity level that is necessary for prototype development and demonstration in a PPP mode to facilitate subsequent technology assimilation.

The project comprises of various sub-programs that can be broadly classified into two categories :

(A) those where considerable amount of R&D has already been done by ARCI, placing them at varied levels of maturity to engage the industry in PPP mode immediately or in the very near future and

(B) those where some directed basic research leading to application development and subsequently fabrication/building of prototype product, component or systems is foreseen before a transition to PPP mode can be made at an appropriate time during project.

Thus, eventual transition to a PPP mode is envisioned in the case of each of the sub-programs. The subjects are chosen in such a way that they would contribute to the automotive industry as well as to other sectors.

Following is the list of 16 sub-projects (8 in Category-A and 8 in Category-B):

Sub-Project No. Title of Sub-Project Implementation Location
Category - A  :  (Status : Reasonable R&D already done; to a large extent ready for PPP mode)
For Automotive Industry
Li-ion batteries EVs & Battery Management System (BMS)
ARCI, Chennai
ARCI, Hyderabad
Motors for EVs and various other automotive applications
ARCI, Chennai
Waste Heat Recovery using thermoelectric modules  
ARCI, Chennai
PEM Fuel Cell for Materials Handling Devices (Forklifts)
ARCI, Chennai
For Other Sectors
PEM fuel cell based power supply systems
ARCI, Chennai
High temperature stable nanocomposite solar absorber coatings for CSP application
ARCI, Hyderabad
Highly transparent dust repellent coatings for PV panels and Al reflectors
ARCI, Hyderabad
ODS steels for gas turbine blades
ARCI, Hyderabad
Category - B  :   (Status : R&D recently initiated, or to be started; transition to PPP mode at an appropriate time during project)
For Automotive Industry
Electric bus based on charging by supercapacitors
ARCI, Hyderabad
For Other Sectors
Metal-air  battery for back up energy storage systems
ARCI, Chennai
Transparent perovskite solar cell modules for functional windows in energy-efficient buildings
ARCI, Hyderabad
Broadband antireflective coatings for CSP and PV applications
ARCI, Hyderabad
Community solar parking lot based on perovskite solar roof
ARCI, Hyderabad
Nanoink & Pulsed Electrodeposition (PED) based CZTS solar cells for building integrated PV (BIPV) application.
ARCI, Hyderabad
Ozone-friendly magnetic refrigerators - an alternative to conventional cooling technology for energy saving
ARCI, Chennai
50kW CIGS Thin Film Modules for DC Power Applications
ARCI, Hyderabad